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CETIN Hungary and Széchenyi István University signed comprehensive cooperation agreement

CETIN Hungary Zrt. and the István Széchenyi University of Győr have signed a strategic cooperation agreement. As part of a complex partnership, CETIN will donate mobile communication equipment to the university so that students can get to know and experiment with today's mobile telecommunications equipment and will participate in the theoretical and practical education of telecommunications and information technology at the university. The company and the university are also planning joint R&D projects for the innovative use of mobile communications networks: under the agreement, the parties will cooperate in the development of mobile networks, 5G networks, and 5G-based services.

The Digital Development Center (DDC), established by the University in 2020, operates as an integrated competency center for general digitization and 5G development tasks. The DDC aims to support the interdisciplinary industry sharing, use, and socialization of digitization and networks, building on the university’s telecommunications and IT knowledge base and involving external experts and ICT businesses. CETIN Hungary and DDC are cooperating to develop joint research, development, and innovation projects in the fields of 5G measurement technology, telecommunication solutions pilot projects, and artificial intelligence-based security solutions. 

"As a neutral, integrated infrastructure provider, CETIN Hungary attaches great importance our close cooperation and partnership with István Széchenyi University," said Zsolt Kozma, Regulatory Affairs and PR Director of CETIN Hungary Zrt. “We are honored to take this partnership to a new level: we are delighted to be involved in the University’s educational activities so that students can gain hands-on experience also with state-of-the-art, 5G-based solutions and then utilize this knowledge in joint research and development projects." 

Within the framework of the cooperation, CETIN participates in the training of the undergraduate and master's students of the University, and in the expansion of their practical knowledge in the field of mobile telecommunications. The independent, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider will donate hardware network elements to the university for research and student projects to develop the test lab. Students can also apply for internships and entry-level positions. 

At the same time as signing the strategic cooperation, CETIN donated base station controllers and active base station and transmission technology elements suitable for the creation of a closed base station for educational and experimental purposes to István Széchenyi University, so that students can see up close the technical background of one of the nation’s key radio andtransmission technology networks. Moreover, as a simulation of live operation, they can even participate in the development and testing of base stations, from design to implementation. 

“We place great emphasis on providing our students with practical training that meets the needs of the market, enabling them to cope in the dynamically developing telecommunications industry, both domestically and internationally. This current cooperation agreement within Hungary further strengthens our ambition, making the diploma obtained at our institution even more valuable,” said István Drotár, head of the Digital Development Center(DDC) at the István Széchenyi University. 

Győr is one of the country's R&D centers in terms of technological knowledge and resources. In addition to the István Széchenyi University, due to the presence of many large companies and industrial players, many opportunities support the birth and implementation of new ideas.