
Putting people at the center of our business 

Our targets 
Understanding our employees and customers. We improve customer engagement processes to help us collect and incorporate feedback and continually improve our services and products. To further enhance our corporate culture, employee engagement, and relationship productivity, we will improve interaction with employees and take the time to understand what affects and motivates them.  

60% employee participation in satisfaction surveys 

Our goal is to achieve greater than 60% participation in company surveys and to improve that percentage annually. 

Robust well-being program with 12 events per year  

The well-being program   is designed with a strong emphasis on enhancing the overall physical and mental health of employees. Simultaneously, the program aims to foster a healthy work-life balance for all employees. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including sports matches, exercises, seminars, and workshops on healthy eating, and mental health. 

0 workplace injuries 

We will secure injury prevention programs in place designed to keep injuries to employees classified as severe or fatal at zero.  

Equal opportunities for everyone 

We will establish a talent development program that is also aimed at encouraging women to develop their careers at CETIN Group and increasing female representation in managerial positions. We will continue our CSR program aiming to strengthen women engagement in tech positions: STEMpowered by CETIN launched in 2023. 

Support local communities with donations and engagement  

We will engage with local communities. 

Our targets
Understanding our employees and customers. We improve customer engagement processes to help us collect and incorporate feedback and continually improve our services. To further enhance our corporate culture, employee engagement, and relationship productivity, we will improve interaction with employees and take the time to understand what affects and motivates them. 

60% employee participation in satisfaction surveys

Our goal is to achieve greater than 60% participation in company surveys and to improve that percentage annually.

Robust well-being program with 12 events per year 

The well-being program is designed with a strong emphasis on enhancing the overall physical and mental health of employees. Simultaneously, the program aims to foster a healthy work-life balance for all employees. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including sports matches, exercises, seminars, and workshops on healthy eating, and mental health.

0 workplace injuries

Our injury prevention programs aim to ensure zero severe or fatal injuries among our employees.

Equal opportunities for everyone

We will establish a talent development program that is also aimed at encouraging women to develop their careers at CETIN International and increasing female representation in managerial positions. We will continue our CSR program, STEMpowered by CETIN, launched in 2023, which aims to increase the participation of women in technology positions.

Support local communities with donations and engagement 

We will engage with local communities.

Progress highlights 

Regular employee surveys 

We have achieved 65 %   participation in surveys with our employees we performed in 2023. 

Robust well-being program 

In 2023, the Well-being program  featured diverse activities. Emphasizing health,  the program offered seminars, workshops, and health checks, alongside mental well-being initiatives. Physical health was also in the spotlight, our sports activities ranged from hiking, water sports,  e-biking, via ferrata, functional training, ping-pong and foosball tournaments, to Sports Games in Rakovník, and an international football tournament with 460 athletes from all over the CETIN Group. We are proud of our unique ambassador program, which gives our colleagues the opportunity to promote a sporting activity that we can then all try out together. In addition, we provide fruits or juices in the office. 

0 workplace injuries 

In 2023, we had 0 employee injuries classified as severe or fatal. 

Equal opportunities for everyone 

In 2023 we have launched the STEMpowered by CETIN program in cooperation with the Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE). The key aim of the program is to show young girls facing a career choice, an alternative they rarely or never think of and help break down the barriers they face. During a full schoolyear-long program, the 11th-grade girls participate in several trainings and programs and are assisted by career and professional mentors from CETIN Hungary. Also, we were active participants of the Girls’ Day event organized by NaTE, a day dedicated to supporting and encouraging teenage girls to become whoever they want to be. Over the next 12 months we will introduce Group wide DEI policy, start upskilling our managers in combating unconscious biases and launch talent development initiatives both on local and group level. 

Support local communities with donations and engagement   

Support of local communities is important for us, so we had several programes throughout 2023 to achieve this goal. We worked with the Határtalan Szív Foundation to help renovate their community house, where they educate young disadvantaged children. At Christmas, our colleagues also put together gift boxes for the children. We also organised a charity bake sale in our office and donated the money to Heim Pál Children’s Hospital and to Bátor Tábor.  Furthermore, we have a cooperation agreement with two universities in Hungary supporting also the students practical education.   

Progress highlights

Regular employee surveys

We have achieved 77% participation in surveys with our employees we performed in 2024. This ratio was 65% in 2023.

Robust well-being program

In 2024, we have introduced a Mental Health Day in addition to the Health Day, which offers health-themed seminars, workshops and health checks for our colleagues. Physical health was also in the spotlight, our sports activities ranged from hiking in Austria, water sports, e-biking, paintball, functional training, and ping-pong and foosball tournaments, and we participated in the Sports Games in Rakovník, which brought together several CETIN counties. We are proud of our unique ambassador program. This initiative allows our employees to collectively experience and engage in the sports represented and promoted by our ambassadors. In addition, we also provide fruits or juices in the office.

0 workplace injuries

In 2024, we had 0 employee injuries classified as severe or fatal.

Equal opportunities for everyone

In the 2024/2025 academic year, the STEMpowered by CETIN program, which we launched in 2023 in cooperation with the Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE), will be continuing. The key aim of the program is to show young girls facing a career choice, an alternative they rarely or never think of and help break down the barriers they face. Spanning a full school year, the program involves 10th to 12th-grade girls participating in various trainings and activities, with additional support from CETIN Hungary’s colleagues. Also, we were active participants of the Girls’ Day event organized by NaTE, a day dedicated to supporting and encouraging teenage girls to become whoever they want to be. Over the past year we introduced a group-level DEI policy focused on workplace diversity, equal opportunities, and employee involvement in decision-making. We have also trained our senior leaders to address both conscious and unconscious biases. Additionally, we have placed significant emphasis on talent development within the company through our CETIN’s Got Talent program.

Support local communities with donations and engagement

Supporting local communities is important to us, so we implemented several programs throughout 2024 to achieve this goal. For many years, we have worked with the Limitless Heart Foundation (Határtalan Szív Alapítvány). Through this collaboration, our colleagues prepared Christmas gift packages and donated school supplies and non-perishable food items at the start of the school year. We also have a long-standing relationship with the Cházár András Multilateral Educational Institution (Cházár András Többcélú Közoktatási Intézmény), where we assisted in renovating their community house, which serves as an educational space for young disadvantaged children. We also organized a charity bake sale in our office and donated the money to the United for Children with Cancer Foundation (Együtt a Daganatos Gyermekekért Alapítvány). During the year, we also donated monitors to the Szerencs District Educational Center (Szerencsi Tankerület Központ) and the Bókay Children’s Clinic Foundation (Bókay Gyermekklinikáért Közhasznú Alapítvány). Furthermore, we have a cooperation agreement with three universities in Hungary, also supporting students’ practical education.

Family-friendly Company

Impact stories 

The SD-WAN networking strategy allows companies to replace outdated firewalls, routers, and WAN optimization appliances with a single appliance. This minimizes hardware requirements and power consumption. In addition, the entire strategy is sustainable and has a high-security profile. The project will be completed later this year.
CETIN Hungary has multi-operator radio access network sharing agreement in Hungary. That means that the mobile network built and operated by CETIN is being used to deliver communication services to the end customers of more than one commercial operator. 
Career choices are mostly decided in high school, and fewer girls choose engineering and technology careers due to a lack of supportive environment, according to research by CETIN Hungary Zrt. The independent, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider wants to change this by launching a free talent program for secondary school girls in partnership with the Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE).